Woyzeck from the Point of View of Dramatic Situations and Geometry
drama, Büchner, Wojzeck, drama fragment, dramatical function, dramatical geometryAbstract
In this paper we analyse the drama Woyzeck written by Georg Büchner, which is a fragment drama characterised with an open form. Therefore, this drama is interesting for analysis. The fragment drama Woyzeck has undergone multiple analyses and to this day is a frequently mentioned topic of many literary debates. This is supported by the fact that we also decided to deal with this topic. For the subject of this work, we set up a structural analysis of the drama, where the drama is divided into several parts and we examine the existence of dramatical functions, clarifying the dramatical geometry within it. The aim of the paper is to show that such an analysis can be done on a drama with an open-form, which is also a fragment drama and there- fore we have used the theory of Souriau and Ginestier. The research begins with the study of the mentioned individual structures, in order to be fully integrated in the whole, whereby in this case it is possible to determine the interconnection of these parts.
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