
  • Vesna V. Bulatović University of Novi Sad Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Fundamental Sciences
  • Danijela M. Prošić-Santovac University of Novi Sad Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English Studies
  • Tanja P. Kaurin Union University, Faculty of Law and Business Studies Department of Security and Crime Science



conceptual metaphors, conceptualisation, computer, the Internet, mapping


New technologies have pervaded many aspects of modern life and influenced human communication, emotions and language. This close interaction between people and computers is reflected in language, in the use of computing terms applied to human emotions, relationships and everyday activities. Metaphor plays an important role in the language of information technology and it is widely used in creating new vocabulary. This paper explores conceptual metaphors in order to determine their usage in the information technology research papers, through describing similarities and differences in the conceptualisation of these metaphors within two languages. The aim of the paper is to quantitatively and qualitatively present conceptual metaphors, regarding computers and the Internet, found in ten research papers written in English and in Serbian. These expressions are compared with respect to their frequency in the papers and the degree to which metaphorical vocabulary is present in analysed research papers. The results indicate that all authors have used conceptual metaphors, although papers in Serbian include a slightly larger number of expressions than papers in English. Apart from differences and diversities, the analysis also identifies a remarkably similar structure of the mapping in both languages.


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Analysed research papers

E1 – Rodrigues, Luis Filipe, Carlos. J. Costa (2016), “Gamification: A framework for designing software in e-banking”, Computers in Human Behavior, 62(C), 620–634.

E2 – Peris-Lopes, Pedro, Honorio Martin (2016), “Hardware Trojans against virtual keyboards on e-banking platforms – A proof of concept”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication, (AEU), 76, 146–151.

E3 – Tekchandani, Rajkumar, Rajesh Bhatia, Maninder Singh (2017), “Code clone genealogy detection on e-health system using Hadoop. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 61, 15–30.

E4 – Janković, Stanko, Biljana Stamatović (2017), “Automated classification of web application parts from a blackbox security testing perspective”, In: Božo Krstajić (ed.), Informacione Tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, Podgorica, 86–89.

E5 – Tuponja, Boris, Goran Šuković (2017), “Applying Neat on the game 2048”, In: Božo Krstajić (ed.), Informacione Tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, Podgorica, 261–264.

S1 – Mraković, Ivan (2017), “Kvalitativna i komparativna analiza Vodopadnog, Spiralnog i Scrum modela razvoja softvera”, In: Božo Krstajić (ed.), Informacione Tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, Podgorica, 197–200.

S2 – Džakula, Branko (2017), “Visokotehnološki (sajber) kriminal i anatomija bezbjednosnih rizika u informaciono-komunikacionim sistemima”, In: Božo Krstajić (ed.), Informacione Tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, Podgorica, 201–204.

S3 – Veličković, S. Zoran., Zoran N. Milivojević, Marko Z. Veličković (2017), “Insertovanje vodenog žiga skremblovanog GMSAT algoritmom u DWT-SVD domenu”, In: Božo Krstajić (ed.), Informacione Tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, Podgorica, 221–224.

S4 – Čakić, Stevan., Aleksandar Popović (2017), “Alat Unity3D u konceptu proširene realnosti”, In: Božo Krstajić (ed.), Informacione Tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, Podgorica, 249–252.

S5 – Šuh, T. Jelena, Snežana Lj. Stefanovski Pajović (2017), “Zaštita od DoS napada primenom Remotely Triggered Black Hole tehnike filtriranja saobraćaja”, In: Božo Krstajić (ed.), Informacione Tehnologije – sadašnjost i budućnost, Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, Podgorica, 277–280.




How to Cite

Bulatović, V. V. ., Prošić-Santovac, D. M. ., & Kaurin, T. P. . (2022). FIGURATIVE USE OF LANGUAGE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: A CORPUS-BASED STUDY . PHILOLOGIST – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 13(26), 131–150.