Reformulative Recapitulative Connectives in French and Serbian
transphrastic level, text, connective, cohesion, coherence, re-formulation, recapitulationAbstract
This paper deals with the contrastive analysis of one particular type of refor-mulative non-paraphrastic connectives in French and Serbian. Given that connectives represent an important phenomenon of both textual cohesion and coherence, we try to identify different values and properties of so-called ”recapitulative” connectives (according to C. Rossari’s classification). First, we propose a theoretical framework about the evolution of transphrastic and textual studies in the past few decades. Our research is based on а qualitative and a contrastive analysis of the examples extracted from the monolingual and parallel corpus of French and Serbian. Moreover, in the central part of the paper, we outline the similarities and differences between morphological and semantic structures of French recapitulative connectives bref, en un mot, en résumé, en somme and their Serbian correspondents. Finally, the main purpose of such work is to provide several possibilities of translation into Serbian of the mentioned connectives, while taking into consideration eventual syntactic, stylistic or pragmatic constraints.
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