Noun Antonyms in a Mental Lexicon


  • Milica Mihajlović Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš



аntonyms, nouns, antonym pair, mental lexicon, free association test


The paper investigates the associative link between noun antonyms. The aim was to show the way noun antonyms are linked in human consciousness as well as which pairs of antonyms are the most closely located in a mental lexicon, bearing in mind the presupposition that the high frequency of antonym-associates in associative field of antonym-stimulus indicates close- ness in lexical memory. This experiment was conducted for the purpose of this paper. It included 107 speakers of the Serbian language aged between 14 and 56 who took the test of free associations, which consisted of 57 stimuli. The results of the associative test showed that with the majority of stimuli (60,6%), that the antonym is not the most frequent association, so most of the antonyms are connected with a weak associative link. We also noticed that the associative link is stronger when there is a marked member as a slimulus.



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How to Cite

Mihajlović М. (2020). Noun Antonyms in a Mental Lexicon. PHILOLOGIST – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 11(21), 200–216.