Intertextuality in Domentian’s Life of Saint Sava


  • Sara N. Nemat University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Serbian and Comparative literature



intertextuality, Domentian, Life of Saint Sava, citation, triple literary holiness


Intertextuality is considered to be a contemporary tendency in literature. However, based on the conducted research, it has been confirmed that in- tertextual connections are present in Serbian mediaeval literary works. This work attempts to illuminate Domentian's Life of Saint Sava in an intertextual manner. The main goals of the paper are: to point out the intertextual links in Domentian's Life of Saint Sava, to identify their sources and the manner of manifestation of citation, and to confirm the thesis of intertextuality as one of the poetic features of mediaeval literature. In this way, we have established a dialogic relationship between the old and the new, that is, between mediaeval and contemporary literature.


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How to Cite

Nemat С. Н. . (2020). Intertextuality in Domentian’s Life of Saint Sava. PHILOLOGIST – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 11(21), 453–472.