musical ekphrasis, poetics, semantics, A. Gatalica, M. Pavić, G. Petrović, G. ĆirjanićAbstract
The multifaceted interrelationships of the various media are now considered to be a particular productive area of comparative strategy. The generalised typology among the types of intermedia at the present stage is considered to be the most fruitful and effective, in particular, ekphrasis and intermedia – a particular manifestation of intermedia, the phenomenon of specific expressive mediation of one media in the figurative field of another. Intermediate format, developed by the interaction of different sign systems and the content encoded by them, mainly – literature and other arts with emphasis on the sign and semantic correspondence of comparisons, has significant artistic effectiveness. A way to realise the ekphrasis of the reception as a description of the case is any kind of art in the literary text. At the same time, the preferred determinant of ekphrasis as a description of a work of art in a literary text is suggested to be its relation to a specific work of authorship, although it also assumes the spread of the ekphrasis to similar or non-existent but genre conventional art variants with a pre-eminent inheritance of the corresponding art. In determining the universal common principles of organising such sovereignty of sign systems, positioned in the status of local variants of different discursive practices in the process of their syncretic interaction in the literary dimension, effective for illuminating the raised issue are primarily the tendencies of the extracurricular direction of literary criticism, initiated by Lotman's semiotic concept, initiated by the first concept, the imposition and intersection of semantic spaces capable of generating new meaning. The empirical plan of ekphrasis is vividly and convincingly actualised in the novels of famous Serbian writers A. Gatalica, M. Pavić, G. Petrović, G. Ćirjanić. Innovative creative experience of artists testifies to a special sophistication, content, accuracy of design and diversity and comprehensibility of meaningful potential, which brings the manifestations of the poetics of syncretism of arts to the organisational components of the poetics of novels in general.
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