
  • Maša Đ. Stojsavljević Divac University of Novi Sad Faculty of Economics Subotica



film, foreign language teaching, German language, independent learning, educational and pedagogical goals.


A film in foreign language teaching has multiple functions and, with appropriate processing, can fulfil many different goals. The most important thing when using film in foreign language teaching is the realisation of educational and pedagogical goals. In this way, in addition to independent learning, another goal is achieved, which is the preparation of students for further independent life. The aim of this paper is to analyse the film "Good bye, Lenin!", which represents a good starting point for integration into the teaching of the German language, as it fulfils all the above-mentioned teaching objectives. The value of this film is also reflected in the fact that, after watching and analysing the film, the students better understand the material, the historical and cultural background, and that this can, in many ways, help them in their later interaction with members of that culture.


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How to Cite

Stojsavljević Divac, M. Đ. . (2023). FILM GOOD BYE, LENIN! IN TEACHING GERMAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. PHILOLOGIST – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 14(28), 587–607.