
  • Sanja Ljubišić University of Banja Luka Faculty of Philosophy Department of History
  • Aleksandra Kostadinović Račić University of Banja Luka Faculty of Philosophy Department of History




The Salic Law, German common law, wergeld, vulgar Latin, The Malberg glosses


This paper explores the historical context and linguistic specificities of Article XXIV of the Salic Law, which, among other things, tells us about the killings of powerless people, in particular women and children, as well as about the type of punishment reserved for such acts. The Salic Law, one of the “most German” laws in the eyes of many, emerged in the beginning of the 6th century, and it represents a collection of common law of the Salian Franks over the course of various periods. The first two editions of the Law, the oldest ones at the same time, date back to the Merovingian dynasty, whereas the remaining editions originate in the 7th and 8th centuries. Apart from being an indispensable source to historians and jurists, the Law is equally interesting for philologists as well. The linguistic value of the Law is reflected in early features of mediaeval Latin and in non-Latin glosses distributed within the Latin text. In addition, this Law indicates some linguistic specificities of the period designated, which are reflected in certain phonetic changes, certain lexical features, and the use of archaisms. All the aforementioned provides us with an insight in the evolution of Latin and its influence on the development of Romance languages.



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How to Cite

Ljubišić С. ., & Kostadinović Račić А. . (2024). HISTORICAL CONTEXT AND LINGUISTIC SPECIFICITIES OF ARTICLE XXIV OF THE SALIC LAW. PHILOLOGIST – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 15(29), 67–87. https://doi.org/10.21618/fil2429067l