
  • Tihana Iveković Prince Sultan University, Ryadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Ivana Rončević Prince Sultan University, Ryadh, Saudi Arabia



linguistic biographies, linguistic identity, linguistic capital, multilingualism, learning situations, higher education


Within the university study area, multilingualism has been a long-lasting, but under-researched phenomenon for a long time. In view of that, and the reality of sociocultural complexities of the globalizing society, this study examines how multilingual practices affect and influence the experiences of  studying at university, with a focus on academic success, social relations, andpersonal intellectual and career development. A mixed-methods approach was applied in a case study with five multilingual informants, whose experiences spanned various learning situations. Results show that multilingual skills are perceived as integral and indispensable to an international study and work experience, and that multilingualism is more than a social advantage. Higher education institutions can therefore utilise targeted strategies to capitalize on linguistic diversity with an aim of improving students success.


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How to Cite

Iveković, T. ., & Rončević, I. . (2024). CAPITALISING ON MULTILINGUALISM AT UNIVERSITY: LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY CASE STUDIES OF EUROPEAN STUDENTS. PHILOLOGIST – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 15(29), 249–270.