cognition, spatiality, perception, source, target, cognitive negotiations, media-propelled armature, safety, health, safeguardsAbstract
Cognition for better or worse does appear to reside at the feet of spatiality, which in turn constitutes one of the more ossified keystones of reality-carving perception mechanisms the humanoid-coded cohort is invariably endowed with, and it bears repeating that this constellation of epistemic mechanics abides in no small measure owing to societal and culturally-tinted mores incessantly reiterated to the brink of relegation to a metanoia contrived in a borderline ad nauseum fashion. Therein lies the hindrance to one-to-one or at the very least easily elicited correspondence in the transposition and limpid demarcation between structurally inherited and transgenerationally mooted and affirmed cognitive devices garnered from a relatively unbiased source and telegraphed with a gloss of fear into a more pliant and individuated target domain. The unremitting character of moulding an intertextual and ostensibly erroneous meaning-sensitive system is equal parts the north star and a murky nor’easter blanketing the way forward and out. The paper, notwithstanding said constraints, posits an amalgamated theoretical and analytical matrix attuned to the “what works principle” and at the same intent lays the groundwork for a dry-run approach to decipherment at large. This hybridised analytical tool is provisionally put on a metaphorical beta blocker and remains to be further expatiated on and deployed in force on a more comprehensive corpus, however the paper shines a light on cognition, culture and along with grammaring as the “fifth” skill and brings it into synchronous orbit. It would not be misleading to say that this is a spark plug teasing an upcoming in-depth volume. It follows that since the unequivocal assertions concerning cultural and cognitive negotiations populating the domain at the heart of both cogitation and consequent meaningful and workable output show no signs of abating, this zetetic line ought to be further pursued and hopefully illuminated. The propositions were put to the test in an empirically attested and cogently targeted sample study of media-propelled and licenced messaging armature. Last and by no means least, this analytical amalgam seeks to broach the through line of safety, health and wellbeing perpendicular to the shielding tools meant to safeguard their sustained preservation.
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