
  • Sara Arva University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology




Andrić, Goya, artist figure, subject correlations, virtual museum in teaching


In this research, we present the figure of the artist through the teaching process of Andrić’s literary work “Conversation with Goya” and “Goya”, while correlating Literature and Art as two interdisciplinary school subjects. The first part of the paper refers to the theoretical considerations of the correlation-integration methodology, by analysing the way in which the painter Goya is presented in Literature and Art school textbooks of different publishers. The central part of the research shows the complexity of using the virtual exhibition “Goya: Drawings from the Prado Museum” in the teaching process while following Andrić’s writing and his reception of Goya’s paintings. The last and concluding segment of this paper refers to one possible interpretation of the artist through the discourse of evil – by examining the demon within the artist and the demonic in art.


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How to Cite

Arva С. . (2024). A LEGEND FULL OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS: ANDRIĆ AND GOYA IN THE TEACHING PROCESS. PHILOLOGIST – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, 15(29), 429–449. https://doi.org/10.21618/fil2429429a