human personality apparatus, cultural phenomena, cognitive and linguistic adepts, cognition and language, duplicity, villainy, catharsis.Abstract
The multifaceted human personality apparatus tirelessly and somewhat incessantly keeps on giving rise to both surprising and equally dishearteningly bland revelations as regards to how the idiosyncratic denizens of this blue-hued marble encode and decipher various cultural phenomena. This is particularly pertinent in view of the relentless endeavours to peel off the deeper layers of the pseudo-proverbial human cognitive onion. It would doubtless come across as supremely hauteur-suffused should a paper harbour a latent claim to fame in terms of comprehensiveness and immaculate insight into what appears to be nothing short of a rabbit hole-like bottomless pit of hopeless scholarly efforts at inching ever so slightly more towards the neighbourhood of the metanarrative fount of all creativity and meaning. Therefore, the succeeding pages shall do away with that specific delusion and attempt to labour under merely one and relatively monotonous question: how do we go about explaining the impulse to root for the prototypical villain instead of bowing to the infinitely promulgated notion of archetypal goodness?
The conception of strength and weakness is attached to the discussion in order to substantiate the propositional mosaic herein stipulated. Bearing this in mind, a greater degree of free expression no longer obtains for our generation unless attained by dint of explicit, yet veiled of norm-dictated defiance.
This inflexibility dovetails neatly with the first assertion at the outset in the hope of shedding off a shroud of superfluous duplicity so successfully inculcated that it now, perhaps, gives the reader pause to learn that human cognition is deeply convoluted, leaning dangerously to the dark side of the mind and conceptualisation. Claims that linguistic adepts favour the through line of goodness over evil are handily belied, which, in itself, is not a bad thing necessarily. It might even be daring to think it a liberating and healing modicum of catharsis.
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