DOI :és :
foreign language textbook, textbook content, culture, sociocultural competence, linguoculturologRésumé
The main goal of studying textbooks is to create an optimal textbook model. A foreign language textbook can be viewed from a theoretical and practical aspect of study. The analysis of Russian language textbooks of a general educational type from a theoretical point of view, implies a critical analysis of the structural and content components of the textbook as well as the formulation of the basic principles of its construction. Within the theoretical aspect, the analysis of textbooks can be approached from the socio-cultural plan, which takes place on two levels: content, and structural-organisational. In this paper, we consider whether the content of textbooks has the appropriate elements necessary for acquiring socio-cultural competence, which constitutes socio-cultural content, and how these contents can be presented in textbooks. What criteria do we use to evaluate the socio-cultural content of the textbook and how do we check the adoption of socio-cultural material by students.
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