DOI:Ключевые слова:
social network, lingua straniera, applicazioni digitali, lezione.Аннотация
Social networks constitute an intrinsic part of our lives, not only in private aspects, but also professional and academic ones. Digitalisation in various professional and scientific fields, web 2.0, universal mobility and the growing use of multimedia tools in the classroom have led to the use of social networks as teaching material and tools.
In this work, the main social networks suitable for language teaching will be illustrated and various possibilities for their use will be indicated to derive maximum benefit from them in the classroom or during the student's independent study. Activities that may include the use of digital applications and the ways in which these platforms can be inserted into the different phases of the lesson will be indicated.
Finally, various practical examples of the inclusion of social networks in the classroom will be given, accompanied by intentional reflections to encourage language teachers to include web 2.0 tools among their working methods.
Библиографические ссылки
Appari, P. (2009) Seminario Le competenze per insegnare. Servirsi delle nuove tecnologie: Cl@ssi 2.0, LIM, social network, web 2. [Visitato il 16 agosto 2023].
Appari, P. (n.d.) Metodologie, tecniche, strategie didattiche. [Visitato il 16 agosto 2023].
Balboni, P. (1999) Dizionario di Glottodidattica. Perugia, Guerra Edizioni.
De Marco, A. (2018) Note sulla competenza emotiva interculturale. In: Santipolo M. & Mazzotta P. (a cura di), L’educazione linguistica oggi. Nuove sfide tra riflessioni teoriche e proposte operative. Scritti in onore di Paolo E. Balboni. Torino, UTET Università, pp. 209–216.
Dota, M. (2023) Social-italiano L2. Un’indagine sulla didattica dell’italiano L2/ LS in Instagram, TikTok e Youtube e una proposta di laboratorio per le scuole. Multimedialità e multimodalità. teoria, prassi e didattica dei testi complessi, Italiano LinguaDue. 14 (2), 311–322.
Harrich, K. (2011) Il notiziario ovvero l’importanza dell’uso di materiali autentici nell’insegnamento-apprendimento linguistico. Italiano LinguaDue. 2 (2), 321–335.
Mc Dermott, G. (2013) The role of social media in foreign language teaching: A case study for French. Open Edition Journal, 32 (2), pp. 141–157.
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